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Punkin' is a special rooster at FPAS, and for good reason—he is large, impressive and the eldest chicken at FPAS. He has always been sweet, easy to handle, and social. Born in early October 2016, Punkin' came into the world before FPAS officially became a sanctuary and before they realized the ethical issues surrounding breeding chickens. He is the first and only chick hatched out of an incubator and the beloved son of Fred, a Rhode Island Red roo, and Jessie, a large Buff Brahma hen.

Now an elderly roo, Punkin' deals with foot issues, which is common for larger birds. Despite these challenges, he remains very easy going, though he's not a fan of foot soaks or meds. Known for his impressive size and spurs that grow like crazy, Punkin' holds a special place in the hearts of everyone at the sanctuary—a true gentle giant and a cherished member of the FPAS family.

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