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The Disney Chickens

The Disney Chickens

The Disney Chicken Flock joined FPAS after being rescued by a compassionate woman, who brought them all the way from Atlanta. This little family of chickens, along with the rest of their family not in this flock, were abandoned in a neighborhood and left to fend for themselves. Luckily, they were rescued and never had to experience the hardships often associated with their gamefowl breed. Named by their rescuer after beloved Disney characters, these chickens are now safe and thriving at the sanctuary.

Hercules is the king of the “Trailer Coop” and proudly watches over his flock of lady friends who are all his sisters and Mama, though I'm not sure he specifically remembers that. Their brother, Prince Charming, also lives here at the sanctuary but separately, as roosters often cannot cohabitate peacefully if housed with hens. Sadly, their late brother Robin who also came to live at FPAS, passed away mysteriously and unexpectedly awhile back, leaving a void in this resilient little family. The remaining three residents stayed with their rescuer where they are beloved pets.

Lady Elinor, affectionately known as “Mama,” is the mother hen of the group. She was initially rescued after being found abandoned and roaming the neighborhood with her newborn chicks. Despite an old injury that sometimes causes her foot to curl up due to arthritis, Lady Elinor continues to care for her family with gentle dedication. Her nurturing spirit is evident in the close bond she shares with her flock.

Wendy is a mellow and sweet-natured hen who gets along well with her sisters.

Ariel, the smallest and shyest of the flock, tends to keep to herself and avoids confrontation, finding her place at the bottom of the pecking order.

Lilo, a laid-back and gentle hen, enjoys the company of her flock and is always calm and friendly.

Snow White, the only white hen in the group, stands out with her beautiful feathers and is the most social with humans, often seeking attention and treats.

The Disney Chicken Flock is fortunate to live together as a family, which is rare for most chickens. Their story could have ended very differently if not for the dedication of their kind rescuer. She took them in, cared for them, and learned all she could about chickens while overcoming her initial fear of these birds. Now, she remains a devoted supporter of FPAS while caring for the other two siblings, Tommy and Yzma, who stayed behind with her and has since been able to catch their dad who is also now safe with her.

These lucky chickens now safe and cared for and their tale is a testament to the power of compassion and community.

The Disney Chickens
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