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Back in 2018, Serena found Cupcake and Fudge wandering down the road near her family’s home. Concerned for their safety, she took them in and began caring for them. Serena searched for their family but, without any luck, determined they had been dumped. Shortly after, she met Skye’s son, Gavin, at their local VegFest, and that day marked the beginning of Serena and her rescue piggies eventually becoming part of the FPAS family.

When Cupcake arrived at the sanctuary in 2019, he had recently and mysteriously injured his front leg. Despite multiple vet evaluations and various medications, the injury left him with a permanent limp. Although Cupcake has always managed to get around, his mobility has been slowly declining over the last couple of years. And just recently our vet referred him to Auburn University for further evaluation in hopes of improving his quality of life.

Cupcake’s exact age is unknown, but he was at least five years old when Serena rescued him after Hurricane Michael. Given the years he’s been with us, we know he’s now an older piggy. The combination of strain from his old injury and age-related arthritis has taken a toll on him. These days, he spends most of his time resting and relaxing and rarely chooses to walk around much. Though he's always up and about ready for mealtimes.

Cupcake’s loving and social personality have always made him a volunteer and visitor favorite, and he holds a special place in both Serena’s and Emily’s hearts.

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